April 19, 2008
The Annual Meeting of the Louisiana State Conference of the American Association of University Professors occurred on April 19, 2008 on the campus of LouisianaStateUniversity and Agricultural and MechanicalCollege in Baton Rouge . The meeting was called to order at 11:15 by President Al Burstein. Attendees introduced themselves. The next item of business was consideration of a group of proposed changes to the constitution and by-laws of the Conference designed to bring them into line with contemporary practice. The proposed changes had been posted to the conference website prior to the meeting and the membership informed through the listserv of their presence there. After discussion, it was moved and seconded that the changes be adopted. The motion passed unanimously. A slate of candidates for state office was proposed by the Nominating Committee, chaired by Gloria Giarratano. The slate consisted of Al Burstein, President; William Stewart, Vice-President; Paul Bell, Treasurer; Linda Carroll, Secretary; Mike Fontenot, At-Large Member. The membership had been given prior notice of the nominees via posting to the website and e-mail communication. As none of the positions was contested, the slate was adopted by acclamation. The financial report for 2007 was presented by outgoing treasurer Charles Delzell. The…