AAUP Louisiana Conference, June 29, 2020
Meeting: Executive Committee, LA State Conference June 29, 2020 Present: Elected Board Leslie Bary (President) Sudhir Trivedi (Vice President) Thomas Miller (Secretary) Kevin Cope (Treasurer) David Reid (At-Large) Ex Officio Members Vipin Menon (Media Manager) Brian Salvatore (Chapter Services) Consulted Asynchronously: Dayne Sherman (Communication and Outreach, ex officio member) Absent: Ravi Rau (Past President, ex officio member, on sabbatical AY 2019-2020) Purpose: Finalize and plan implementation of proposals from the June 20 general meeting Meeting begins with quorum: 12:30 pm Item I: SUBSIDIZING DUES – At the meeting June 20 it was recommended consideration be given to subsidizing membership at 50% for 10 faculty over a period of 3 years. The subsidies would be used to accomplish one of two goals: a) to increase African-American membership b) to increase membership on campuses that had an insufficient number needed for the creation of a campus chapter; or it could do both. Result – After some discussion it was decided that all interested faculty are invited to apply for the subsidy. Recommendations from campus chapters, nominations and self-nominations are invited for review by the State Conference Executive Committee (SCEC). Dues under $100 will be subsidized in full, dues above $100 will be…