President’s Newsletter, November 17, 2019
Louisiana Conference AAUP President’s Newsletter, November 17, 2019 Dear Colleagues, I hope this finds everyone well. In my role as District V Representative to the National Council of AAUP, I will meet with the Council in Washington November 22-24, and return to Louisiana with the latest national news. As you know, the changes to AAUP structure at the national level mean we must be active and support each other. I am interested in bringing as much national support to Louisiana as I can, and in placing as many of us as possible in direct contact with national leadership and leadership elsewhere in our region. In news of the state conference, a new chapter has formed at LSU-Alexandria. With the recent addition of a chapter at Xavier, we are eight: SU-BR and SU-Shreveport, LSU-BR and LSU-A, UL Lafayette and SELU, XULA and Tulane. That is two private institutions, two in the University of Louisiana System, two LSU and two Southern campuses. I would very much like to see LSU-S grow a chapter, to give better coverage in the northern part of the state. I would also be delighted to see growth at UNO and Delgado, as well as Loyola which has…