President’s Newsletter March 2, 2019
Greetings from Atlanta where I attended the 2019 meeting of the Assembly of State Conferences, conjoined with the Spring meeting of the Georgia Conference. It was a worthwhile event and I thank the Conference for covering my flight. Following are some highlights. Response to Projected Dissolution of ASC Brian Turner, President of the ASC, presented the projected changes to the structure of the national organization. ASC will no longer exist and the national meeting will be biannual: how, then, should state conferences coordinate? After some discussion, it was decided that at the national meeting this June, where Georgia Conference President Robert “Scotty” Scott will be along with Brooks Ellwood (LSU), Linda Carroll (Tulane), myself and some others, we should continue conversation on creating an assembly of state conferences for our Southeastern region, which will have only one delegate on National Council from 2020 forward. We need to work together and support each other, and this initiative will be important. The formulation of this plan made my trip worth it, as Southeastern solidarity and cooperation are really needed. The Georgia membership is well organized and we should work with them and other neighbors. People across our region have been having the…