2024-2026 Officers

The Louisiana Conference held elections on March 23, 2024, and the officers for 2024-2026 are as follows:

President: Vipin Menon, McNeese State University, Lake Charles, vip_menon@yahoo.com
Vice President: Steven Rushing, Southeastern Louisiana University, Hammond, stevenrushing321@gmail.com
Secretary: Leslie Bary, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, leslie.bary@gmail.com
Treasurer: Kevin Cope, LSU-Baton Rouge, encope@lsu.edu
At-Large (elected member of the Executive Committee): Philip Auter, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, philip.auter@louisiana.edu
Past President: Thomas Miller, Southern University, Baton Rouge, thomas.miller@sus.edu


Notice of AAUP Louisiana Conference Annual Meeting and Elections

The AAUP Louisiana Conference will hold its Annual Meeting on Saturday, March 23, 2024, at 1:00 p.m. at the East Baton Rouge Parish River Center Branch Library located at 250 North Boulevard, Baton Rouge, LA 70802. Officer elections will take place at this meeting. President Tom Miller has chosen a Nominating Committee that is selecting a slate of nominees for the offices to be filled: President, Treasurer, Vice-President, Secretary, and member-at-large. There may be nominations from the floor. 

This meeting is one of several events scheduled for that day. The Executive Committee is pleased to announce that Dr. Matthew Boedy, President of the Georgia Conference, will be our guest speaker. Dr. Boedy is an associate professor of Rhetoric and Composition at the University of North Georgia and has been a stalwart advocate for academic freedom and tenure in his state. A detailed schedule for the day is forthcoming.


On Saturday, April 22, 2023, the Louisiana Conference of the American
Association of University Professors (AAUP-LA) passed a resolution at its
annual meeting at Southern University in Baton Rouge.

AAUP-LA Resolution on Academic Freedom to Teach, Research, and Perform Service on “Divisive” Social Issues 4.24.2023 B

AAUP-LA Resolution on Academic Freedom and Discourse on _Divisive Topics_